Mounter Proofer

The AKU-Check Mounter/Proofer for mounting and proofing printing plates, represents a totally new approach to mounting and proofing with two permanently mounted plate cylinders. The AKU-Check is always in a "ready to use" position. By permanently mounting a plate cylinder on eachside of the proofing drum, we have simplified the process. We are proud to acknowledge that DuPont Cyrel Packaging Graphics Products School in Wilminton, Delaware has chosen the AKU-Check as their Mounter/Proofer of choice.

Mounter Proofer Mirrors

ADI/PDM introduces our beamsplitter for the AKU-Check Moutner/Proofer. This optical device is used to split a beam of light into two or more separate beams. It is sometimes referred to as a partial mirror, since it both reflects and transmits light. All beamsplitter mirrors are verified for quality using a Perkin-Elmer Lambda 900 spectrophotometer. We also perform Mil-Spec enviornmental testing. These beamsplitter mirrors can be used on all Mounter/Proofers.